The link state table is used to determine the most appropriate route for a message, based on cost and availability. 链接状态表用于基于成本和可用性,确定最适用于某个邮件的路由。
Link availability for any time in mobile ad hoc networks 移动自组网中任意时刻链路可用性计算方法
The metric for routing selection in terms of path availability which is based on link availability can be used to select reliable paths. 链路可用性和基于其扩展的路径可用性是选择更稳路由的重要度量尺度。
Research on Link Availability of Hybrid FSO/ RF System 混合FSO/RF通信系统链路性能的研究
The link of hybrid FSO/ RF system which can backup each other and increase the availability of the system is discussed in the paper. 文章讨论了如何设计混合FSO/RF系统的链路,使之两种系统相互辅助,提高系统的有效性。
In addition, with the link-level fault tolerance of link aggregation and the monitoring mechanism of the nodes the high availability of the system can be fulfilled. 利用链路聚集的链路级容错,结合接口的检测机制实现了系统的高可用功能。
Based on the prediction of link availability, we propose a steady routing protocol that can choose a efficient path for data transmission, which also can be used at t_0+ Δ t. 基于对链路保持连接的概率预测,提出了选择可保持至t0+Δt时刻稳定传输路径的路由协议。
For system design, it is necessary to provide certain link margin for low availability. However in order to obtain high availability, we need explore adaptive fade mitigation technology. 在进行系统工程设计时,低可用度系统需要预留一定的雨衰余量,高可用度系统需要采取自适应抗雨衰措施。
By the analysis of link budgets and visibility-limiting weather conditions, the link availability and link distances as a function of distance can be predicted for any FSO system. 本文通过激光通信链路预算和能见度数据分析,给出了FSO系统的链路可信度及通信距离与气象因素之间的函数关系。
Based on the prediction of link expiration time, we propose a predictive method for evaluating the availability of link in MANET, which is the probability of link that exists at t_0 time can keep until t_0+ Δ t time. 首先基于预测链路可保持时间,提出了链路在t0时刻存在并且在t0+Δt时刻仍然存在的概率预测方法。
Link aggregation technology can improve the high availability of the network by the transmission link backup, it has become one of the networking scheme must be used. 目前链路聚合技术通过传输链路备份可提高网络高可用性,已成为必用的组网方案之一。
Link reliability in large networks is very important, which impacts network availability directly. 大型网络中链路的可靠性非常重要,直接影响网络的可用性。
The simulation results verify that the proposed scheme can adaptively compensate Ka-band rain-attenuation. Comparing to the constant coding and modulation ( CCM) transmission scheme, the proposed scheme can effectively improve spectral efficiency under the same link availability condition. 仿真验证了该方案能自适应地对雨衰进行补偿,相比于固定编码调制(CCM)方式,该方案在相同链路可用度下能提高系统的频谱效率。
MIMO system can improve system performance remarkably and provide dependable wireless transmission link by using multiple sending antennas and receiving antennas. The system can increase the capacity and availability of frequency spectrum of communication system exponentially without the increase of bandwidth. MIMO系统采用多发射和多接收天线,能够显著的改善系统性能,提供可靠的无线传输链路,在不增加带宽的情况下,可以成倍的提高通信系统的容量和频谱利用率。